Enterprise Applications use the rollup algorithm of Worst health state of any member, because this is the default and more sensitive rollup setting that users of SCOM are used to working with. Using this more sensitive setting ensures that any outage is reported. You may consider changing the rollup algorithm from worst to Best health state of any member so that if any one of the test clients (see How to create Availability Test Groups for use with Enterprise Applications) can access the application then the application health shows as green.
When using the Best health state of any member option, if any one test client (see How to create Availability Test Groups for use with Enterprise Applications) can access the application, then the application health will show as green. Is it fair to say that the application is "available" to users if several test clients (perhaps in different sites or buildings) can't access the application? You may wish to use the Worst state of a percentage of members in a good health option instead.
If you change the rollup algorithm for one or more applications, but not others, then users may become confused about whether an application is really up or down. For consistency, we recommend that you consider changing the rollup algorithm for all Enterprise Applications.
Open Authoring > Management Pack Objects > Monitors.
Click on the Scope button at the top of the screen.
Click on the radio button for View all targets.
In the Look for box type Enterprise Application (v1).
Tick Enterprise Application (v1) and click OK.
Expand Entity Health > Availability
Right-click on Availability tests Availability rollup.
Click on Overrides > Override the Monitor > For all objects of class: Enterprise Application (v1).
To change the override for only one EA, you would select For a specific object of class: Enterprise Application (v1), but if you're going to change the rollup algorithm we recommend changing the override for all Enterprise Applications for consistency.
Scroll down to the Rollup Algorithm parameter.
Tick the box in the Override column.
Select the required option in the Override Value column. For example, Worst state of a percentage of members in a good health. If you choose 60% then when more than 40% of the test clients go red then the unhealthy status will roll up. In other words, when less than 60% of the tests show healthy then the unhealthy status will roll up. If you choose the percentage option you must tick the Percentage row and enter a percentage value in the Override Value box on that Percentage row.
Select the destination management pack for this override to be saved to.