How to check and reconfigure the Data Warehouse connection

SquaredUp DS displays performance metrics as graphs, sparklines and bar charts. To show these performance metrics, SquaredUp DS connects to the SCOM Data Warehouse using its IIS application pool identity.

Following installation the setup wizard (see How to install SquaredUp DS for SCOM) auto-configures the Data Warehouse connection for you. It picks up the Data Warehouse location from SCOM, and then gives the SquaredUp DS application pool account the correct permissions by giving the account a SQL server login with the OpsMgrReader role for the Data Warehouse database.

If graphs are not shown in SquaredUp DS, then you should check the Data Warehouse connection as described here.

How to check and reconfigure the Data Warehouse connection

There are two parts to the Data Warehouse connection: Firstly, the Data Warehouse server name connection in SquaredUp DS. Secondly, permissions, i.e. the SquaredUp DS application pool account having the OpsMgrReader role for the Data Warehouse database.

1. Check the Data Warehouse connection

  1. Log in to SquaredUp DS as a SCOM admin user, who is also a SQL sysadmin for the Data Warehouse database (see How to make a user a SQL sysadmin).
  2. Click on the right-hand menu ☰ then system and then the Connections perspective.
  3. In the Other Connections section check that the Data Warehouse server name is correct. If it is wrong, edit it and click apply changes.

2. Auto-configure the Data Warehouse permissions

  1. On the SquaredUp server log in to SquaredUp DS as a SCOM admin user, who is also a SQL sysadmin for the Data Warehouse database (see How to make a user a SQL sysadmin).
  2. You can then automatically configure the Data Warehouse permissions by browsing to:


When using Windows authentication this step must be carried out on the SquaredUp server.

This gives the application pool identity a SQL server login with the OpsMgrReader role for the Data Warehouse database.

If the user you are logged in as does not have SQL sysadmin permissions(see How to make a user a SQL sysadmin) then you may need to configure the Data Warehouse permissions manually (see Manually creating the Data Warehouse permissions).

3. Check graphs are shown

  1. Check that graphs are shown in SquaredUp DS, for example on the performance perspective for a server. You may need to wait a few moments and refresh the page.
  2. If performance graphs, sparklines or bar charts are not shown, you may need to configure the Data Warehouse permissions manually (see Manually creating the Data Warehouse permissions).
  3. If you still experience problems see the article Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse connection.


The SquaredUp server needs to make a network connection to the SCOM Data Warehouse server on port 1433. If you have a firewall then you may need to configure it appropriately. See Which ports do I need to open in my firewall?

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