A row perspective can display health state, performance metrics, properties, and SLA information for each object.
They work in a similar way to dashboard perspectives in that they are stored in dashboard packs, they use a match criteria that defines which class, group or particular object they apply to, and they have a rank that specifies which row perspective should be displayed when multiple row perspectives match.
A row perspective is made up of 'cell tiles' of various types, such as Status, Sparkline, Bar, Health State History etc.
Row perspectives are used by the Matrix tile, Surface tile, VADA analyze mode, Alert views, and Status Donut drilldown pages.
We recommend you don't edit the provided SquaredUp DS row perspectives. A good way to start is to Clone an existing row perspective and then edit the new row perspective as you require.
Row perspectives can be created, cloned, edited and deleted from system > matrix rows.
We recommend you don't edit the provided row perspectives, instead you may like to Clone an existing row perspective and amend as you require, or create a New Matrix row perspective.
Browse to system > matrix rows.
Name and description: Give your new row perspective a name and optional description.
Rank: Rank specifies which perspective should be displayed when more than one perspective matches the scoped criteria. 0 is the lowest rank and will be considered the lowest priority. Best practice is to assign numbers with sufficient gap between them (like multiples of 10) so that you can later insert other perspectives of lower ranks in between if you wish to.
Match Criteria: This determines which objects will be able to use this row perspective. Search and select a group and/or class, one must be specified.
Column Configuration:
Use the dropdown list to add the columns you want to show, and click edit to configure each column. The preview will update as you edit.
Displays the health state of an object, its display name and Health State Summary (see How to use the Alerts tile).
Status icon example:
Status block example:
Hide status label:
Ticking this will hide the status icon indicator.
Label template:
This a mustache template to render as custom label. Use the mustache picker to select a property name. Can contain any valid template, the context object for the current row will be provided as the template context. Default if none provided is {{displayName}}.
Renders a custom mustache template and displays the result in the cell.
A mustache template to render. Can contain any valid template, the context object for the current row will be provided as the template context.
Example content templates:
Display the IP address: {{(properties.ipAddress || '').split(',')[0]}}
Display size value in Gigabytes: {{Math.round(properties.size / 10737418.24) /100}} GB
Display the file system e.g. C:\ "{{properties.fileSystem}}"
Displays blocks representing the health state history of an object over a time period.
Full Width:
If ticked, then the tile will fill the available column width, otherwise it will use a fixed width based on the width setting above.
Use page timeframe:
By default, all cell tiles in the Matrix tile adapt to the page timeframe.
The page timeframe is the timeframe setting a dashboard or perspective is currently using. These timeframes are all relative to the current time, for example 7 days ago until now. When a user changes the page timeframe, all tiles that have use page timeframe set will adapt to the new timeframe. (Tiles that do not have use page timeframe set (i.e. are set to specific timeframe or custom timeframe) are not affected and won't change.)
The custom option can be used to set timeframes using
SquaredUp DS does not support the week notation.
Specific timeframe:
These timeframes allow you to set a fixed timeframe such as last 1 hour or last 7 days. You can use the
sample relative timeframes button to get some examples for different timeframes. These timeframes are all relative to the current time, for example 7 days ago until now. Using this setting means that any change the user makes to the page timeframe is ignored.
The custom option can be used to set timeframes using ISO 8601 format
SquaredUp DS does not support the week notation.
Displays a small SLA gauge showing a visualization of the target value from 0-100%. Color, shape (how filled) and label of the gauge indicate the value and status.
From the dropdown list select the Service Level Objective (SLO) object (mandatory).
Use page timeframe:
By default, all cell tiles in the Matrix tile adapt to the page timeframe.
The page timeframe is the timeframe setting a dashboard or perspective is currently using. These timeframes are all relative to the current time, for example 7 days ago until now. When a user changes the page timeframe, all tiles that have use page timeframe set will adapt to the new timeframe. (Tiles that do not have use page timeframe set (i.e. are set to specific timeframe or custom timeframe) are not affected and won't change.)
The custom option can be used to set timeframes using
SquaredUp DS does not support the week notation.
Specific timeframe:
These timeframes allow you to set a fixed timeframe such as last 1 hour or last 7 days. You can use the
sample relative timeframes button to get some examples for different timeframes. These timeframes are all relative to the current time, for example 7 days ago until now. Using this setting means that any change the user makes to the page timeframe is ignored.
The custom option can be used to set timeframes using ISO 8601 format
SquaredUp DS does not support the week notation.
Displays blocks representing the numeric property.
Segment width:
Allows you to adjust the size of the blocks.
Numeric property:
Set which property is shown by the blocks.
Displays a sparkline graph visualization of SCOM performance data over time for a given object. When clicked, the graph will drilldown into the detailed SCOM performance view for the object.
Here you define which value the graph will show. For example, if you want to see the response time of different servers, your metric value would be response time. If you want to see the number of tickets, your metric value would be number (of tickets).
Quick find:
The drop-down list will show you a list of all metrics available for the scope you have set. Press the down arrow on your keyboard in the choose metric field to see the list.
Allows you to specify the object, counter and/or instance. For example, you can use the quick find to find and select the metric LogicalDisk - % Free Space, and then click on advanced and specify C: in the instance box to only view C: drives.
Resolution refers to the raw, hourly or daily data stored in the Data Warehouse.
SquaredUp DS, when using the auto resolution setting, uses the highest resolution data available (raw, hourly or daily), based on what data is available in the Data Warehouse for the whole graph timeframe. So SquaredUp DS will use raw data as long as it is available for the whole reporting timeframe, then it will use hourly, and when that is not available for the whole timeframe it will use daily data.
For Performance tiles the resolution is set in metric > resolution
Using the autoresolution setting on a Performance tile automatically changes to a more suitable resolution when the page timeframe is changed by a user, in order to optimize the time to return the graphs.
The auto setting applies to visualizations that use time periods, such as line graphs, sparklines and reports. Visualizations that do not show a time period, such as Bar Top N, Heatmap and Scalar, use the latest data point. These visualizations do not change when a user changes the page timeframe. For these visualizations the auto resolution setting defaults to daily.
The data available in the Data Warehouse is determined by the retention period set in SCOM.
When a resolution of hourly or daily is chosen you can select whether you'd like to see the average, minimum or maximum figures for that aggregated time period. For example, for a web transaction you might want to see the maximum or minimum figures rather than the average.
Label template:
This a mustache template to render as custom label. Use the mustache picker to select a property name. Can contain any valid template, the context object for the current row will be provided as the template context. Default if none provided is {{displayName}}.
Use page timeframe:
By default, all cell tiles in the Matrix tile adapt to the page timeframe.
The page timeframe is the timeframe setting a dashboard or perspective is currently using. These timeframes are all relative to the current time, for example 7 days ago until now. When a user changes the page timeframe, all tiles that have use page timeframe set will adapt to the new timeframe. (Tiles that do not have use page timeframe set (i.e. are set to specific timeframe or custom timeframe) are not affected and won't change.)
The custom option can be used to set timeframes using
SquaredUp DS does not support the week notation.
Specific timeframe:
These timeframes allow you to set a fixed timeframe such as last 1 hour or last 7 days. You can use the
sample relative timeframes button to get some examples for different timeframes. These timeframes are all relative to the current time, for example 7 days ago until now. Using this setting means that any change the user makes to the page timeframe is ignored.
The custom option can be used to set timeframes using ISO 8601 format
SquaredUp DS does not support the week notation.
Data transforms: Select either top level entity or managed entity.
Performance data for the tile is queried per column using the tile scope. This data needs to be grouped together for each object, so that it can be displayed correctly for the appropriate row. By default it is grouped assuming that the objects are unhosted or top-level objects such as Computers, Network Devices, or Distributed Applications. If your tile is scoped to hosted child objects such as disks, websites or databases then you will need to override the default grouping behavior by specifying managed entity.
Displays a bar graph that visualizes both a number and the resulting bar width based on the number value.
Choose metric: Search for and select the appropriate metric to be retrieved.
Resolution refers to the raw, hourly or daily data stored in the Data Warehouse.
Value template:
The mustache template to execute that processes the "value" to be rendered as the bar graph label. By default this template is {{value ? Math.min(value, 100) : ''}}
Data transforms: Select either top level entity or managed entity.
Performance data for the tile is queried per column using the tile scope. This data needs to be grouped together for each object, so that it can be displayed correctly for the appropriate row. By default it is grouped assuming that the objects are unhosted or top-level objects such as Computers, Network Devices, or Distributed Applications. If your tile is scoped to hosted child objects such as disks, websites or databases then you will need to override the default grouping behavior by specifying managed entity.
Displays the metric value as a scalar number.
Here you define which value the graph will show. For example, if you want to see the response time of different servers, your metric value would be response time. If you want to see the number of tickets, your metric value would be number (of tickets).
Quick find:
The drop-down list will show you a list of all metrics available for the scope you have set. Press the down arrow on your keyboard in the choose metric field to see the list.
Allows you to specify the object, counter and/or instance. For example, you can use the quick find to find and select the metric LogicalDisk - % Free Space, and then click on advanced and specify C: in the instance box to only view C: drives.
Resolution refers to the raw, hourly or daily data stored in the Data Warehouse.
SquaredUp DS, when using the auto resolution setting, uses the highest resolution data available (raw, hourly or daily), based on what data is available in the Data Warehouse for the whole graph timeframe. So SquaredUp DS will use raw data as long as it is available for the whole reporting timeframe, then it will use hourly, and when that is not available for the whole timeframe it will use daily data.
For Performance tiles the resolution is set in metric > resolution
Using the autoresolution setting on a Performance tile automatically changes to a more suitable resolution when the page timeframe is changed by a user, in order to optimize the time to return the graphs.
The auto setting applies to visualizations that use time periods, such as line graphs, sparklines and reports. Visualizations that do not show a time period, such as Bar Top N, Heatmap and Scalar, use the latest data point. These visualizations do not change when a user changes the page timeframe. For these visualizations the auto resolution setting defaults to daily.
The data available in the Data Warehouse is determined by the retention period set in SCOM.
When a resolution of hourly or daily is chosen you can select whether you'd like to see the average, minimum or maximum figures for that aggregated time period. For example, for a web transaction you might want to see the maximum or minimum figures rather than the average.
Data transforms: Select either top level entity or managed entity.
Performance data for the tile is queried per column using the tile scope. This data needs to be grouped together for each object, so that it can be displayed correctly for the appropriate row. By default it is grouped assuming that the objects are unhosted or top-level objects such as Computers, Network Devices, or Distributed Applications. If your tile is scoped to hosted child objects such as disks, websites or databases then you will need to override the default grouping behavior by specifying managed entity.
Displays the status of a SCOM monitor object. The target of the monitor must be the object that the tile is scoped to.
Show monitor label:
Tick to show the label
Search for the monitor to display.
Displays the health state of a specific entity monitor for the current object as a simple colored block, with the color indicating the health state.
Full width:
Tick to show the block full width.
Hide status label:
Tick to hide the label.
Label template:
Use the mustache picker to select a template for the label.
Search for the monitor to display.
Editing the JSON
You can also edit the JSON by clicking the Edit JSON button, see Cell tile definitions.
When drilling down on a Donut tile you will see a Matrix tile view. This view uses the highest ranked row perspective defined for the Donut tile scope.