The Image tile can be used for two different use cases:
Displaying an image
Displaying the rolled up health state of objects (just like you can do with the Status tile) on an image background, such as a map
Tip: If you want to use an image background and display more data than just the health status, like performance metrics and other information, you can use the Surface tile (How to use the Surface tile).
Tip: If you want to show the health state of objects by changing the color of part of an image use an SVG file with the Visio tile (see How to use the Visio tile). For example, you could use a building floorplan and turn each room into a shape in Visio. Then you can connect those shapes to a health indicator, maybe the room's wifi connectivity, and display the image on a dashboard where you can monitor if one of the rooms turns red.
Add a new tile to a dashboard or perspective and choose the Image tile.
Here you can choose one of the provided images or upload your own. Tip: If you want a different selection of maps, you can download more at
Supported image formats: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff. svg, bmp Tip: SVG images resize best since they are vector images.
File size limit: 10MB
Image size: Images fill the size of the tile, which means you can resize the image by adjusting the tile's size. The size of the tile also depends on the screen the dashboard is being viewed on.
Scope: If you want to display status icons on the image, you need to define a scope here. Scoped objects will appear straight away and can be dragged into position.
What you want to select
What to use as a scope
All your Distributed Applications (DAs)
In the advanced section, use a class of either service (system.service) or user created distributed application
Only your Enterprise Applications (EAs)
In the advanced section, use a class of Enterprise Application (Base)
Tip: If you experience any problems with scoping tiles, you'll find FAQs and help in the article How to scope tiles.
List allows you to select one or more objects or groups.
You can add multiple objects and groups. To remove an object or group click the x to the right of its name.
Tip: Start typing and after two characters you'll see suggestions that match the name appear.
By default searching will look for the top 10 items containing the words listed in the search. If you wish to create a more specific search you will need to use wildcards (*).
If you place a wildcard after the term you are looking for, it will find all the objects which start with that word searched and any terms that may follow. If you place a wildcard at the start of the search term, it will look for objects that contain the searched word and also have terms before that word.
If you enclose your searched term in wildcards it will look for objects which contain the searched word, this object will not begin or end with the term searched.
Group allows you to select members of a specific group. Only one group can be selected.
Advanced allows you to select a group, class or both. You must at least define either a group or class. You can define both. You can also use criteria to narrow down your selection.
Same as the group option above.
Class equates to the target class within SCOM. As you type the dropdown will be populated with suggestions of matching classes from SCOM, from which you can select the required class.
Criteria allows you to create an expression to further refine the scope.
Objects you would like to see
Objects with particular text in their name
DisplayName like '%Server1%'
Objects starting with a particular string
DisplayName like 'test%'
All objects in maintenance mode
InMaintenanceMode = 'TRUE'
Only healthy objects
HealthState = 1
Objects with a health state in SCOM of 0, an unknown health state (uninitialized), a gray health state icon with a question mark.
HealthState = 0
Objects that are not healthy
HealthState != 1
Objects in critical state
HealthState = 3
Objects in critical or warning state
HealthState = 2 or HealthState = 3
To show all gray uninitialised objects
HealthState = 0 OR HealthState IS NULL
All objects not in maintenance mode
InMaintenanceMode != 'TRUE'
Objects where the parent agent is offline
Objects that are offline, in maintenance or state unknown
IsAvailable='false' OR InMaintenanceMode=1 OR HealthState=0
Computers with a particular OS
OSVersion = '6.3.9600'
List objects by name and filter by HealthState
(Name like '%Server3%' OR Name like '%Server4%' OR Name like '%Server2%') AND HealthState=3
List objects by SCOM Id and filter by HealthState
Id IN ('7021174b-9e5d-5fbf-878a-42b9f0bf6f4a', '9bd4a1cc-f07a-0e36-b37d-d9ee974e0f3c') AND HealthState=3
Exclude object from the Group specified
DisplayName not like '%server3%'
Exclude objects from the Group specified
(DisplayName NOT LIKE '%server3%') AND (DisplayName NOT LIKE '%server4%')
Note: If you never used a perspective, you should read Working with perspectives before scoping tiles on perspectives.
The power of perspectives is that tiles on a perspective can use a dynamic scope. A dynamic scope considers the currently viewed object. A dynamic scope consists of two different states:
the configuration of the scope in the tile (for example, "consider child objects of type logical disk for the currently viewed object")
the actual resolved scope that depends on which object you are currently viewing ("this object has 5 child objects of type logical disk")
After configuring the dynamic scope once in the tile, you'll get different results depending how the scope is resolved on the different objects you are viewing.
Suggestions are generated based on the object you are currently viewing. You'll see a list of relevant scope options based on the object's relations to other objects. Suggestions don't cover every possible scope, but they are a quick and easy way to select a suitable scope for your tile.
Note: Suggestions won't be shown if an object has no children, parents or siblings.
Tip: If the exact scope you want isn't listed in the suggestions, you can select a suggested scope that is similar to the one you want, and then click on custom. The custom section will now automatically be filled with the suggestion you picked and you can edit the scope here to adjust it exactly to your needs. This is a more intuitive way to pick a scope than starting in the custom section and navigating the SCOM object model for classes and groups.
Double-check the scope when using suggestions: Using suggestions is an easy way to pick a scope, but you need to make sure that the generated suggestion is appropriate for all objects that use the perspective. For example, when you pick a suggestion for an EA, you will get suggestions that are specific to the map, dependencies, and availability tests for this one EA. On perspectives you want to use for all EAs, you have to change the scope suggestion in the custom section so that the tile work for all EAs.
You can pick between "this object" and objects that are related to this object as parents, children or siblings. The suggestions for children are written as paths that follow the SCOM object tree structure, parents and siblings can be identified by the word parent or sibling in the suggestion.
A parent of an object is any object that hosts or contains that object. A child of an object is any object that this object hosts or contains. A sibling of an object is any object of the same class that is hosted by the same parent.
This object
The dynamic scope will be resolved to the object currently viewed.
This / child / child / class of object
The dynamic scope will be resolved to children of the object currently viewed.
You select objects of a particular class that are contained in path. The class of the objects you are selecting is stated at the end of the path.
This / *
The dynamic scope will be resolved to children of the object currently viewed.
If a path ends with a wildcard (*) it means that you select all objects of any class within the path.
Example: This / IIS Web Server / * selects all objects of any class in the level below This / IIS Web Server.
This / child / ... / class of object
The dynamic scope will be resolved to children of the object currently viewed.
If a path contains an ellipsis (...) it means that you select objects of a particular class that are contained in all of the objects that are contained in the path preceding the ellipsis. The class of the objects you are selecting is stated at the end of the path.
This / Sales App Map / ... / Windows Computer selects all objects of the class Windows Computer in the This / Sales App Map path.
Parent class of object
The dynamic scope will be resolved to parents of the object currently viewed.
Sibling class of object
The dynamic scope will be resolved to siblings of the object currently viewed.
Show more triangle next to a suggestion
You can click the show more triangle to expand the list of suggestions and see more specific paths.
Enterprise Applications are designed so that you can map out the servers that make up the application. You can then configure tiles to show information related to just the servers on the EA's map. When you create a perspective that will be used for all EAs, you need to make sure that you scope the tiles so that they work for any EA. When you start with a suggestion, the tile's scope only works for the one EA you're currently looking at, and this is why you need to edit the scope:
For an EA you want to scope to the servers that are specified on the EA map by selecting something from the suggestions (SquaredUp DS 4.2 and above) that shows something similar to the following: This /<YourApplicationName> Map / ... / Windows Computer The above will scope the tile to all the objects of class Windows Computer on this EAs map. The screenshot below shows some scope suggestions for an application called FinanceXS. The bold text shows the currently selected scope is This object. The cursor shows the option This / FinanceXS / ... / Windows Computer. Once chosen this scope will show all the Windows computers shown on the applications map. Next, we need to adjust the specified scope to allow it to work for all EAs, rather than just this one.
In the scope section click custom.
Click on the text <YourApplicationName> Map (children) which is your first scope step. This will expand the scope step so you can edit it.
Remove the auto-populated class <YourApplicationName> Map by clicking the cross x next to it.
Start typing Enterprise Application - Map and select this from the list to add this class. This is so that this tile scope will work for all EAs, rather than just this one EA.
The scope is now configured to show all the Windows computers on the EA's map, whichever EA you happen to be viewing with the perspective.
If you are looking at an EA, the path to find all windows computers in that EA may read Map / ... / Windows Computer. It returns all objects of the Windows Computer class contained within all of the paths under Map.
To narrow the scope down, you can click on the triangle to expand the suggestion and select one of the more specific paths. If you select Map / Web / Windows Computer you will find all objects of the Windows Computer class in the path Map / Web.
If you choose the option Map / * you'll find all objects contained in the map. If you extend this suggestion by clicking on the triangle, you'll see suggestions to select all objects in a more specific path, for example Map / Web / *.
Here you can pick objects that are related to the object you are currently looking at. If you want to create a specific scope that is not listed under suggestions, you can create the scope here.
Tip: You can pick a similar scope under suggestions first and then click on custom to edit it.
At the top, you'll see the name of the object you are currently looking at. Now you can choose if you want to pick parents or children of that object, and if this parent or child relation should be considered only one level up or down the SCOM model or through all levels.
Class: Here you pick the class of the objects you want to select. If you leave this field empty, the scope falls back to the "this object" scope. Note: You will only see groups and classes that the object you are currently looking at is a member of. Tip: If you want to pick objects of any class, enter the SCOM base class logical entity in the class field. Tip: If you want to find out what classes the object you are interested in belongs to, you can go to the Monitored Entity perspective of that object. You'll see all the classes the object belongs to listed there.
Criteria: You can narrow the selection of objects of a particular class down further by entering criteria for those objects. For more help see How to use criteria when scoping objects. Tip: If you want to find out what properties you can base your criteria on, you can go to the Monitored Entity perspective of the object you are interested in. You'll see all the properties for criteria listed there.
For example, for a perspective created for the group IIS8 Computer Group adding a Status tile scoped to show children with a class of object will show the group members, i.e. the members of the IIS8 Computer Group.
If you need to traverse a more advanced SCOM object model like an EA, you can use the + button to add more steps. This creates a scope that can go through any kind of path of the SCOM object model.
Complete the following steps and then click the + button after you're done to add the next level of SCOM objects:
At the top, you'll see the name of the object you are currently looking at. Now you can choose if you want to pick parents or children of that object, and if this parent or child relation should be considered only one level up or down the SCOM model or through all levels.
Class: Here you pick the class of the objects you want to select. If you leave this field empty, the scope falls back to the "this object" scope. Note: You will only see groups and classes that the object you are currently looking at is a member of. Tip: If you want to pick objects of any class, enter the SCOM base class logical entity in the class field. Tip: If you want to find out what classes the object you are interested in belongs to, you can go to the Monitored Entity perspective of that object. You'll see all the classes the object belongs to listed there.
Criteria: You can narrow the selection of objects of a particular class down further by entering criteria for those objects. For more help see How to use criteria when scoping objects. Tip: If you want to find out what properties you can base your criteria on, you can go to the Monitored Entity perspective of the object you are interested in. You'll see all the properties for criteria listed there.
Other specific objects
Gives you the normal, non-dynamic scope options you are used to when scoping tiles on dashboards. This means the tile will not dynamically adapt it's content to the currently viewed object, it will always show data for the static object picked here.
Since the power of perspectives is that their tiles can show data for different objects depending on what object is currently being viewed, you should only select this option when you are sure that there is no relationship between the desired scope and the currently viewed object.
Here you can customize the icons on the image:
You can change the size of the icons with the slider
You can change the shape of the icons (square or circle)
You can drag the icons on the image into position
Use no label
Use the object's name
path / name
Use the object's name and path
name (path)
Use the object's name and path
Here you can change the label to a custom label. You can use static text and dynamic properties. Use the mustache picker to select dynamic properties from the response data to use them as labels.
You can use timeago to convert Unix timestamps from milliseconds to show a readable date and time. You can either display an absolute time (for example, August 20th 2021) or a relative time (for example, 20 hours ago).
There are four parameters you can use for converting the time, written in the following format: timeago(Value you want to convert, Show Absolute, Show Time, Without Suffix, With Prefix).
The parameters for the value you want to convert can either be true or false:
Show Absolute
true = show absolute time (date) rather than relative time
false = show relative time
Show Time
true = if showing absolute time, show the time as well as the date
false = do not show the time with the date
Without Suffix
true = if showing relative time, this removes the "ago"
false = "ago" at the end will be shown (e.g. 10 hours ago)
With Prefix
true = adds "since" ahead of the absolute time, or "for" ahead of the relative time
false = no prefix will be shown
Tip: The default setting for all parameters is false. If you only want to change the first parameters, you can just use timeago(value, true, true) and it will be interpreted as timeago(value, true, true, false, false).
To display the relative time (how long ago something occurred):
To display the absolute time as the date without the time:
{{timeago(value, true)}}
To display the absolute time as the date with the time:
{{timeago(value, true, true)}}
To display the time with the prefix "for" for relative time and "since" for absolute time (for example, "the status has been unhealthy for 10 hours")
Option A) Use the fourth parameter and set it to true. This will insert the appropriate prefix for the absolute or relative time:
timeago(value, false, false, true, true)
Option B) You can leave out the fourth parameter that controls if the prefix "for" or "since" is inserted automatically. Since you left it out, it defaults to false, causing no prefix to be shown. Instead you insert the word "for" or "since" manually before the timeago function.
for timeago(value, false, false, true)
To convert a time value from seconds to milliseconds:
Some APIs, like Pingdom for example, return the value in seconds. Since Timeago uses the time value in milliseconds, you need to multiply by 1000 in that case:
Example with a Pingdom property:
This is a collection of useful examples for custom labels when showing the state of objects. You can paste the examples in the custom label section in SquaredUp.
Check out our GitHub Samples repository for more examples and ideas for custom labels from the community.
How to insert a line break (<br>) between the computer name and the last state change
In this example, you use the netbios computer name as a label (this shows the computer name without the domain). Below the computer name, in a new line, the last state change is displayed:
How to convert the health states "success, warning, critical" to "healthy, warning, critical"
In this example, you use the netbios computer name as a label (this shows the computer name without the domain), followed by the health state. The health state "success" is converted to "healthy" to make is easier to understand:
In this example, you display when the last state change took place (relative time) and display the health state summary in a new line below:
for {{timeago(stateLastModified, false, false, true)}}<br>{{}}
The following example is very similar, you also display the health state summary below the time, but in this example you show the absolute time (specific date and time) of the last state change:
since {{timeago(stateLastModified, true, true)}}<br>{{}}
Click done to save the tile.
The tile now shows data according to your settings.
The power symbol signifies an object that SCOM has been monitored, but at present the agent is unresponsive. Typically this is because the device is powered off or the agent is broken. The last known health state is shown as a faded color behind the power button. This can often be resolved by restarting the Microsoft Monitoring Agent service on the server itself, or restarting the System Center Data Access service on the SCOM server. To show only objects that are currently offline/unmonitored you can specify IsAvailable = 0 in the Scope > Advanced > Criteria (see How to use criteria when scoping objects)
The gray icon with a question mark signifies an object that has never had a health state, for example a device that has been badly or incompletely discovered. SCOM is aware of the object, but has never recorded any data from it. This covers both objects where SCOM records a health state of 0 (no health state) and those where SCOM has no record for the health state, i.e. the health state is blank or unspecified (NULL).
To show only objects where SCOM specifies a health state of 0 use HealthState = 0
To show objects where there SCOM has no current or last known health state specified use HealthState IS NULL
To show all gray objects, both those with unknown health state and those with no known last health state specify HealthState = 0 OR HealthState IS NULL