SCOM tasks are tasks that can be executed for SCOM objects, for example displaying the object's account settings. The tasks in SquaredUp DS are similar to the tasks you find on the tasks pane in the SCOM console.
There are various ways to run SCOM tasks in SquaredUp DS:
Using the SCOM Task tile on dashboards or perspectives
Running tasks in the tile allows you to show the results of a SCOM task in a tile on a dashboard or perspective. Tasks in the SCOM Task run every time the dashboard refreshes (by default every minute).
You can run tasks directly from a dashboard or perspective just by clicking a button. Tasks that are executed via a button only run when the button is clicked.
On perspectives, you can run any task that is available for that object with the task button at the top of the perspective.
Go to the object you want to run the task for and choose any of the available perspectives.
Click on the task button at the top of the perspective. Now a dropdown menu with all available tasks opens.
Choose the task you want to run from the dropdown menu.
Some tasks let you override parameters, for example the time until the task runs into a timeout. Which parameters are available depends on the task.
If you want to override parameters for the task, click add under override parameters and enter your settings.
Click execute to run the task. A new sections opens and displays the result of the task. The results are visible until you close the section or leave the page.
On dashboards and perspectives, you can create an action button for a specific task. See Action Buttons.
On a drilldown page via a task button
From an Alert or an Alert drilldown The task button appears on Alert details and Alert drilldowns when a task can be run on an individual object.
On Status Donut, Alert Donut, Alert Heatmap and Alert Scalar drilldowns On these drilldowns SCOM tasks can be run against multiple objects. The tasks list returns only tasks which can be run against all the objects in the scope. A copy button is available to optionally copy the SCOM tasks' output to the clipboard for further processing in a separate application.
On an individual object drilldown page via a task button The task button appears on drilldowns when a task can be run on an individual object.