Company knowledge allows you to extend alert information with escalation notes, troubleshooting steps or resolutions that may be specific to your organization.
Company knowledge is saved in a SCOM management pack. It is best practice to organize your company knowledge into separate management packs: for each management pack containing monitors and rules, there should be one management pack containing company knowledge for these monitors and rules.
For example, an alert from a monitor or rule in the management pack Windows Server Operating System should have company knowledge saved to a management pack named something like:
Windows Server Operating System - Company Knowledge
This will allow you to easily remove and upgrade your management packs without losing company knowledge.
When editing knowledge in SquaredUp DS, the user is not given a choice of where to save the company knowledge. Instead, it is automatically determined using a rule defined by the administrator. The rule defines the name of the management pack to which company knowledge will be saved. The name can contain parameters that are substituted with values from the alert, monitor or rule which the knowledge is being created for.
The parameters that can be used are:
The name of the management pack containing the monitor or rule that is the source of the alert
The name of the class that the monitor or rule targets
The name of the management pack that contains the class that the monitor or rule targets (may be the same as AlertSourceMP)
You can choose from the three parameters above, and we would recommend using "{AlertSourceMP} - Company Knowledge" as this would make it easier to remove the relevant management packs at a later date.
So using the example naming scheme above, the naming rule would be defined as:
"{AlertSourceMP} - Company Knowledge"
SquaredUp DS will save the knowledge to the appropriate management pack. If the management pack does not exist, it is automatically created.
Follow these instructions to edit the name of the management pack used for company knowledge.
Note, this will cause all users to be logged off.
Log on to SquaredUp DS.
Navigate to the right-hand menu ☰ > system > connections
In the Management Server section locate the entry for managementpack-knowledge and edit it to show your new management pack name: For example, edit the entry from SquaredUp Operations Custom Knowledge to: {AlertSourceMP} - Company Knowledge
If managementpack-knowledge is not listed, click the add button to add it.