Using object properties in the SquaredUp DS URL

This article explains how specify an object property in a SquaredUp DS URL to return an object page.

Using the value parameter in the SquaredUp DS URL

When simply specifying a display name as the value this prioritises more common results such as server objects and groups (in the same way that the SquaredUp DS search works). If you want to return an object that is not a server, then you can specify the property and classId you require, see below

  1. Create a URL in the format below, using the object's display name:
    where DisplayName is the display name of the object whose page you wish to show,
    and where SquaredUpServer is the name of the server where SquaredUp DS is installed.
    For example to show the Databases group page:
    Or to show a particular application:
    http://SquaredUpServer1/SquaredUp/drilldown/scomobject?value=Sales App
  2. Paste the URL into a browser and test that it shows the page you required.

Creating a desktop shortcut to a server page in SquaredUp DS

You may like to add a shortcut on a server desktop which will take users to that server's page in SquaredUp DS. This can be used to encourage users to put a server into maintenance mode before starting work, because they can use the shortcut to quickly and easily access the right page in SquaredUp DS and then click the Maintenance Mode button (see Putting a SCOM object into maintenance mode) in SquaredUp DS, as shown below.

  1. Create a URL using the display name of the server in the following format, and test that it works:
    where DisplayName is the display name of the server whose page you wish to show,
    and where SquaredUpServer is the name of the server where SquaredUp DS is installed.
    For example:
  2. Create a shortcut on the server desktop using this URL and test it.
  3. If you wish, you can use Group Policy to deliver the shortcut and use the %COMPUTERNAME% environment variable in the URL. For example:
    For example:

For more information about using Group Policy to deploy shortcuts to desktops see Server 2012 Deploy Desktop Shortcuts using Group Policy;

Specifying a property and class ID

If the default page returned is not the correct object, then you should specify the property and the class ID that the property belongs to:


You can view object properties on the Monitored Entity perspective in SquaredUp DS, but you will need to change the property name to start in upper case. For example, dnsName as shown on the SquaredUp DS Monitored Entity Properties should be DnsName when using in the URL:


For more information about which properties belong to which class see the System Center Management Pack Catalog.

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