How to set up per-server configuration when using high availability (HA)

By default, all servers share the same configuration files when configured for high availability (HA) (see Enabling High Availability). This means that they

If a server needs to use a different or unique configuration to the other servers then there are two things to consider:

  • When using multiple SCOM servers or SQL servers we recommend that these are load balanced, for example using a SQL Listener or load balanced SCOM.
  • If these services cannot be load balanced then 'configuration redirections', as described below, can be set up to give each server its own unique copy of a configuration which is not shared over HA.

Configuring different SCOM servers

You may wish to configure each SquaredUp server to use a different SCOM server, as an alternative way of ensuring SquaredUp DS remains up if one of the SCOM servers goes down. You can do this by defining separate SCOM connectivity settings for each server, for example, one SquaredUp server pointing at SCOM server 1 and the other at SCOM server 2. To do this, follow the steps below, running the haconfigs command on the HA server that you want to target at a different SCOM server and using the file name scom.json.

Configuring different Open Access loopback URLs

On SquaredUp DS v4 you can also configure different SquaredUp servers to use different Open Access loopback addresses (see Open Access - "An error occurred loading this dashboard" - Checking the Open Access Loopback URL on v4). To do this set the loopback as normal for the Primary server and then follow the steps below running the haconfigs command on the Secondary server and using the file name openaccess.json to set a different loopback URL for the Secondary server. The loopback URL is only necessary on SquaredUp DS v4.

Connecting to different Data Warehouse database instances

If you wish to configure SquaredUp servers to use different Data Warehouse database instances (see How to reconfigure SquaredUp DS after moving the Data Warehouse or SCOM server) follow the steps below, running the haconfigs command with the file name connections.json. This will only work if the database instances are for the same Data Warehouse and the same Management Group.

Configuration redirections

  1. On the server that you wish to have a different configuration, such as your Secondary SquaredUp server, open a command prompt as an administrator (from Start > Run type command prompt, rightclick on the Command Prompt icon and click Run as administrator).
  2. Navigate to the instance for which you wish to change authentication.
    For example:
    cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUp

  3. Run the SquaredUp command with haconfigs:
    squaredup haconfigs --filename=<filename>
    command to create a unique local-only configuration, where <filename> is the configuration file you wish to make unique for this server.

    For example:
    squaredup haconfigs --filename=scom.json to create a unique SCOM server address configuration for this server (see How to reconfigure SquaredUp DS after moving the Data Warehouse or SCOM server)
    squaredup haconfigs --filename=connections.json to point this server to a different Data Warehouse (see How to reconfigure SquaredUp DS after moving the Data Warehouse or SCOM server)
    squaredup haconfigs --filename=openaccess.json to add a unique Open Access loopback URL (see Troubleshooting Open Access (v5))
  4. After running the command, you will automatically be presented with an elevated Notepad, allowing the file to be edited for use on the local server only:
  5. Edit the file as required, and save your changes.
  6. For some configurations to come into effect, you will need to recycle the SquaredUp DS application pool. This tool does not automatically recycle the application pool after making or editing a configuration. You can recycle the SquaredUp DS application pool from IIS or by running the SquaredUp command with recycle:
    squaredup recycle

Viewing redirects

You can view which configurations are unique to the current server by running squaredup haconfigs or squaredup recyclewith no additional arguments. This will also show how the local file is different to the HA-shared copy:

Editing an existing redirect

If you run squaredup haconfigs --filename=<filename> where there is already a redirect in place for <filename>, an elevated notepad will be opened to allow you to edit the local configuration file.

Removing redirects

To remove a redirect, run:
squaredup haconfigs --filename=<filename> --delete

A manual confirmation is required to finish deletion.

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