User Management

Who can log on to SquaredUp DS?

There are two requirements for being able to log on to SquaredUp DS:

  1. The user needs to be a SCOM user. Any SCOM user (anyone with any role within SCOM) can access SquaredUp DS with their windows credentials (see How to add a user to SquaredUp DS).
  2. The user needs to be on the list of Named Users. If they are not on the list and the list isn't full yet, they will automatically be put on the list when they try to log on for the first time. The number of users that can be put on the list is restricted by the number of licenses (Named Users) you have purchased from SquaredUp.

See How to manage Named Users

How do SCOM roles affect what users can do in SquaredUp DS?

When SquaredUp DS connects to SCOM, it does so using the end user's credentials. This means that all SCOM data in SquaredUp DS is subject to SCOM's role-based access control (RBAC).

About Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

How RBAC affects what users can see in SquaredUp DS

A SCOM user accessing SquaredUp DS will automatically be restricted to only what their SCOM permissions / RBAC allows them to see. This is true for everything within SquaredUp DS, whether that's dashboards, performance reporting, individual objects and so on. For example, if a user views a dashboard of "All Windows Computers", the actual computers shown on the dashboard will be limited to those that the user's RBAC permissions allow them to view.

How RBAC affects what users can do in SquaredUp DS

Actions in SquaredUp DS are also subject to SCOM RBAC. The different SCOM roles have permissions as follows:

Permissions in SquaredUp DS
can edit, create and delete dashboards in SquaredUp DS, manage alerts, manage maintenance mode and run tasks
can edit Company Knowledge
can manage alerts, manage maintenance mode and run tasks
Advanced Operator
have the same permissions as Operators
Read Only Operator
can view data (including drilldown on dashboards), but cannot manage alerts, maintenance mode or run tasks

This external article lists the SCOM roles and permissions.

Types of users in SquaredUp DS

There are two types of users for SquaredUp DS for SCOM:

  • SquaredUp DS admin
  • SquaredUp DS user

The SCOM role of a user defines if they are considered a SquaredUp DS user or a SquaredUp DS admin.

If a user has the SCOM role Administrator, they are a SquaredUp DS admin. Any other role makes them a SquaredUp DS user. What a SquaredUp DS user can view and do in SquaredUp DS depends on their SCOM RBAC permissions.

SCOM admins (who are automatically SquaredUp DS admins) can carry out the following tasks in SquaredUp DS:

  • Create, edit, delete and restore dashboards (see Recycle Bin)
  • Create, edit, delete and restore perspectives (see Recycle Bin)
  • Create or delete Team Folders
  • Add new PowerShell profiles and integrations (such as Web API, ServiceNow, Azure Application Insights, etc.)
  • Add or edit PowerShell, Web API, Azure Application Insights and Log Analytics tiles
  • Write SQL queries
  • Clone a dashboard in the Everyone pack. Team Folder authors can only clone a dashboard if they have author permissions to that folder, as it is first saved to that folder. They can then copy it to any other folder to which they also have author permissions.
  • Edit the global dashboard navigation structure

How to add a user to SquaredUp DS

Since a user needs to be a SCOM user to have access to SquaredUp DS, you need to add the user to SCOM to add them to SquaredUp DS. The SCOM role you choose for the user defines their permissions in SquaredUp DS.

  1. In the Operations Manager (SCOM) console, click Administration (bottom left).
  2. Expand Security and click on User Roles.
  3. Right-click on the user role you wish to add your user to and click Properties.
    Giving a user the Administrator role makes them a SquaredUp DS admin. Giving them any other role makes them a SquaredUp DS user.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Type the name of the user (or group) that you want to add.
  6. Click OK, and OK again.


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