How to add links to an external ticketing system from Alerts

Using this setting, allows you to turn the ticket field on a SquaredUp DS Alert drilldown into a link to a ticket in your external service desk or ticketing system. This is useful if you have a separate ticketing/service desk system that has a web interface.


The ticket hyperlink is configured through a setting stored in scom.json.

On the Windows Server where SquaredUp DS is installed:

  1. Run notepad as administrator (File, Run, type notepad, and then right-click and select Run as administrator) and then open the following file:
    C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SquaredUpv[version number]\User\Configuration\scom.json
  2. Add the following line and replace with the desired template. You may not need the id= depending on your particular service desk URLs. {{ticketId}} is automatically replaced with the value of the ticket ID field in the Alert.
    "ticket-template": "http://my-ticketing-system/id={{ticketId}}"
  3. You may also need to add a comma at the end of the previous line, if there are multiple settings in the file.

Linking to an alert

Once the template URL is setup, any alerts with a ticket ID will display a link.

  1. Drilldown into any alert within SquaredUp DS.
  2. Select the ticket button near the top right of the page.
  3. Enter the desired ticket ID
  4. Click update.

You'll now see the ticket ID displayed alongside the alert name. Clicking this tag will open a new window to your external ticketing system / service desk.


Using the curly brace syntax, e.g. {{variable}} you can include different variables in the URL template. In the example above we used {{ticketId}}.

  • classId
  • customField1
  • customField2
  • customField3
  • customField4
  • customField5
  • customField6
  • customField7
  • customField8
  • customField9
  • customField10
  • description
  • id
  • isMonitorAlert
  • lastModified
  • lastModifiedBy
  • monitoringObjectDisplayName
  • monitoringObjectId
  • monitoringObjectPath
  • name
  • owner
  • priority
  • problemId
  • repeatCount
  • resolutionState
  • resolutionStateName
  • resolvedBy
  • ruleId
  • severity
  • ticketId
  • timeRaised
  • timeResolved
  • type

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