Open Access: Open Access dashboards are cut off or show an unusable fixed scroll bar


If the full length of the Open Access page is not shown or fixed scroll bars are visible then you may need to increase the following settings as shown below.

On SquaredUp DS v4 this is fixed by increasing some of the Open Access wait times, as described in this article. If you are using SquaredUp DS v5 see Troubleshooting Open Access (v5).

Increasing some of the Open Access wait times

  1. On the SquaredUp server, run Notepad as administrator (StartRun, type notepad, and then right-click and select Run as administrator).

    With Notepad in administrator mode, open the openaccess.json file from the following path in the SquaredUp DS folder:


  2. If openaccess.json is blank or only contains {} then add the following:
        "oa-ajax-complete-wait": 5000,
        "oa-width-resize-wait": 1000,
        "oa-height-resize-wait": 1000
  3. If openaccess.json already contains settings, then you will need to add a comma at the end of the previous line to look something like this:
        "oa-loopback-base-url": "https://hostname",
        "oa-ajax-complete-wait": 5000,
        "oa-width-resize-wait": 1000,
        "oa-height-resize-wait": 1000
  4. Save the file.
  5. In IIS recycle the SquaredUp DS application pool for the settings to take effect.
  6. You may need to adjust the time in milliseconds. If not specified, the default for oa-ajax-complete-wait is 1000 ms, and for oa-width-resize-wait and oa-height-resize-wait it is 300 ms.

For more help see Troubleshooting Open Access (v5)

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