How to activate your license

After installing SquaredUp DS you will be prompted to login and enter a license activation key. You will have been emailed an activation key (often called a license key or activation key), which is then activated against a SquaredUp DS installation.

If you have been asked to reactivate your existing license key, because it has been modified or extended, then you will need to reactivate your existing license (see How to reactivate your license).

If your web server cannot connect to the internet to activate then you can do an offline activation (see How to activate your license offline (manual activation)).

Use this article if you have been sent a new license activation key.

Where do I find my activation key?

Free trial

When you apply for a free trial you receive an unrestricted 30 day evaluation to try out all features in your own SCOM environment: Request a free trial activation key. If you've previously had a trial, or your trial has expired please contact SquaredUp Support

Purchased SquaredUp DS

When you buy SquaredUp DS you will be emailed your license keys. If you do not have a license activation key please contact SquaredUp Support

Types of license keys

Trial license
This license allows for unlimited users and all features for a 30 day evaluation in your own environment and is available from here
Primary Production license
This license should be used if you only have one SquaredUp production server, or on your first SquaredUp production server if you are configuring a multi-server / high availability environment (see Enabling High Availability)
Secondary license
This license should only be used for any subsequent servers in a multi-server / high availability / load balanced environment (see Enabling High Availability)
Test & Development license
This license is for your test environment so that you can experiment with configuration changes and new versions without affecting production.
It is included free of charge with a purchase of the Teams, Connect and EAM editions.

SquaredUp DS v3 customers upgrading to v4

If you are upgrading from v3 to v4 you should request a v4 evaluation license before starting your v4 installation. This will allow you to perform any upgrade testing and user acceptance testing, prior to going live and switching your production use to v4. Without this license you will be able to install v4 and perform an upgrade assessment, but unable to then activate the product and start testing.

Take a moment to read How to migrate from SquaredUp DS for SCOM v3 to v4 for important considerations regarding how to upgrade from v3 to v4.

Once you are ready to move to v4 in production, enter your Primary license key into the Switchover portal to convert all your existing v3 licenses to v4 licenses which can be used to activate v4. From that point you will have 3 months to run v3 and v4 side-by-side in production, before the v3 instance is no longer supported and you will be in violation of the SquaredUp EULA.

How to Activate SquaredUp DS

  1. After installing, the set up wizard prompts you to log in as a user who is a SCOM Admin (see Types of users in SquaredUp DS), and ideally SQL sysadmin user (see How to make a user a SQL sysadmin), then runs you through first-time use: Login, Activation, Data Warehouse, Open Access, EAM, and Dashboard Packs. See How to install SquaredUp DS for SCOM.
    Or you may need to browse to http://SquaredUpServer/SquaredUp/Activate

  2. Paste your license key into the Activation screen.
    Take care to use the correct license key, as many licenses only allow one activation.
    For example, the Primary key for the first server, or the Secondary key for subsequent servers in a multi-server / high availability environment (see Enabling High Availability). The Primary key can be activated only once, while the Secondary key can be activated on up to 3 servers.
  3. Click the Activate button.
  4. Complete the SquaredUp DS setup wizard.

For more information on the setup wizard stages see How to install - Logon to SquaredUp DS for the first time.

How to check which license key is being used

If you are having problems activating

Anything else we can help with

Please contact SquaredUp Support

Following activation

Browse to your SquaredUp DS instance.

If you used the downloadable installer:

By default, the URL to your SquaredUp DS instance is: http://SquaredUpServer/SquaredUpInstance

SquaredUpServer is the name of the server where SquaredUp DS is installed.

By default, SquaredUpInstance is SquaredUp. For v5 it is SquaredUpv5 and for v4 SquaredUpv4. If you gave your SquaredUp DS instance a different application name when you installed it, use the name you chose.

On the server it would be http://localhost/SquaredUp

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