Tips for using a load balancer

Enable persistent or sticky sessions

It is important to configure the load balancer to send all SquaredUp DS requests from a client session to the same SquaredUp server.

Different load balancer settings use different names for this setting, for example 'source address affinity persistence', 'server affinity', 'session affinity' or 'persistence'.

For the F5 load balancer suitable options would be Source address affinity persistence or cookie persistence, depending on your network configuration.

For Azure Load Balancer you should change from the default 'Hash-based distribution mode' to Source IP affinity mode.

For the KEMP load balancer Source IP Address would be a suitable choice, configurable for each service from Virtual Services > View/Modify Services > Persistence Options. Source IP Address. See Kemp Persistence Methods.

If you are having issues with persistent sessions you may need to switch to cookie insert persistence type.

Configure the load balanced address in DNS Manager

You will need to add an entry for the load balancer in DNS Manager on one of your DNS servers. For example: Forward Lookup Zones > domain > LoadBalancedAddress

Where 'LoadBalancedAddress' is your address users will use to get to the load balanced SquaredUp DS, such as lb-ha

The DNS entry should look similar to this:

For example, the above would mean the URLs used could be http://lb-ha/SquaredUp or

Configure delegation and SPNs if using Windows authentication

If you are using Windows authentication ensure that the relevant delegation and SPNs have been configured, as described in detail in this article:

How to enable Windows authentication when SquaredUp DS is installed on multiple load balanced servers

Monitoring load balancers

Dashboard Pack for F5 Big-IP (Comtrade)

Dashboard Pack for Kemp Load Balancers

Webinar: 'F5 BIG-IP Monitoring with ComTrade Software':

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