How to run SCOM tasks

About SCOM tasks

SCOM tasks are tasks that can be executed for single objects, for example displaying the object's account settings. The tasks in SquaredUp DS are similar to the tasks you find on the tasks pane in the SCOM console.

Which tasks are available depends on the object and the management packs that are installed. Only users with the correct SCOM access will be able to run the task (see How do SCOM roles affect what users can do in SquaredUp DS?).

How to run SCOM tasks

There are two different ways to run SCOM tasks in SquaredUp DS:

  • Running tasks on dashboards or perspectives in the SCOM Task tile

    Running tasks in the tile allows you to show the results of a SCOM task in a tile on a dashboard or perspective. Tasks in the SCOM Task run every time the dashboard refreshes (by default every minute).

    (see How to use the SCOM Task tile)
  • Running tasks directly from a dashboard or perspective via a button

    You can run tasks directly from a dashboard or perspective just by clicking a button. Tasks that are executed via a button only run when the button is clicked.

    • On perspectives, you can run any task that is available for that object with the task button at the top of the perspective.
    • On dashboards and perspectives, you can create an action button for a specific task.

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